Brilliant suggestions, cute complaints or even praise & worship? Bring it on!

Simply post it to our FB page:

Or, really confidentially, via email:

Support Data Dealer!

You can still support Data Dealer! On July 11th we succeeded with our Kickstarter campaign, yeah! But any additional $ will result in a better game with more items and functionality! All you need is a Paypal account, which then offers several methods of payment. (Just leave our game's Uncle Enzo out of this one, m’kay?)

Want to see this game happen? So do we!

Data Dealer is a non-profit project. But an elaborate one. It’s been a lot of hard work, and we’re this close – 80% of the full-featured game is already finished. All we need now is some air under our wings to make the final stretch. By donating you enable us to complete the full version of Data Dealer and finally bring it online for your enjoyment (and possibly enlightenment – it is a very clever game, after all).

By donating via Paypal you’ll receive the same rewards for the same amounts as on Kickstarter: 1$+ will gain you our eternal gratitude, while 15$+ will make that gratitude visible for all the world to see (i.e. you’ll be named in the credits) and so forth. Just make sure to enter the right amount (include 10$ shipping cost outside US/EU if it’s something we need to pack up and mail), and don’t forget to fill in your full address, lest the package be sent to your unsuspecting neighbour (or your boss at the NSA).

And remember – without you, we’re nothing. All of this wouldn’t be possible without all your fantastic support and feedback! Let’s make this happen!