Brilliant suggestions, cute complaints or even praise & worship? Bring it on!
Simply post it to our FB page:
Or, really confidentially, via email:
Data Dealer Headquarters
Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse 12/6
1070 Vienna | Austria
Pascale Osterwalder is an animation artist and does visual design and illustration.
Ivan Averintsev, Wolfie Christl and Ralf Traunsteiner have been working together for more than 10 years. They were deeply involved in the famous Viennese net culture organization Public Netbase from 2000 to 2006. When they´re not working on Data Dealer, they´re creating sound, performance and other art stuff - using many different pseudonyms. Or they´re working on state-of-the-art web apps for commercial clients.
Data Dealer is developed by a small team based in Vienna, Austria - also including collaborators from Germany, Switzerland and the US.
We´ve been into gaming, open source and hacktivism since the late 90s. In our past we´ve been open source advocates, web developers, theorists, historians, artists, activists, mathematicians, educators, punk rockers, noise musicians, designers and illustrators. We love digital technologies, but the investigation of the social impacts of information technology is critical for a society in which people are enabled to make a positive and self-determined use of it.
Core Creators
Data Dealer was initiated, organized, and developed by a small core team:
Ivan Averintsev
Technical Design, Development, Systems Engineering, Game Design & Balancing
Wolfie Christl
Idea, Story, Game Design, Storyboarding, Text, Technical Design, Management, Press
Pascale Osterwalder
Visual Design, Illustrations, Character Design
Ralf Traunsteiner
Game Design, Storyboarding, Interface and Front-End Design, Development

Extended team since autumn 2012:
Nick Farr
US Support
Alexandra Hundsdorfer
Illustration & Character Design
Heather Kelley
Text & Cultural Consulting
Nils Olger
Molly Roza
Press & Internationalization
Tobi Schäfer
Technical Design & Development
Barbara Schweinzer
Renée Winter
Editor, Documentation, Community, Research, Testing
Markus Zachbauer
Media Education Consultancy
Irene Zavarsky
Finances, Project Management
Video Trailer Credits
Wolfie Christl: Idea, Script, Producer. Pascale Osterwalder: Illustration, Character Design. Ralf Traunsteiner: Director, Cutter, Animation, Sound. Nils Olger: Cutter. Renée Winter: Editor. Barbara Schweinzer: Translation. Molly Roza: Translation. Heather Kelley: Text & Cultural Consulting.
Thanks for consulting, feedback, testing and for supporting us in the fields of narration and usability:
Konrad Becker, Gabriele Bramauer, Thomas Brenner, Clemens Christl, Severin Christl, Johannes Grenzfurthner, Bernhard Jungwirth, Andreas Liberda, Erich Möchel, Sebastian Moritz, Rupert Nagler, Ferdinand Pay, Lollo Pichler, Andrea Salzmann, Felix Stalder, Maria Traunsteiner, Markus Tumeltshammer, Barbara Wais, Markus Zachbauer, Hannes Zeger, Atelier Pater-Schwartz-Gasse, Bürogemeinschaft Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse and many more!
Thanks for inspiration:
Aaron Swartz, Acxiom, Bruce Schneier, Choicepoint, Cory Doctorow, Facebook, Games for Change, Google, Lexis Nexis Risk Solutions, Public Netbase, RapLeaf, Slime, Zynga.
Open Source Fonts & Sounds:
Thanks to Yvonne Schüttler (Voltaire) and Vernon Adams (Bowlby One SC) for the fonts we´re using. Thanks for samples & audio tracks in our video trailer to: (Free Library), Voktebef ("Noisettes"), Zapac feat. greg_baumont („They're coming...“, FreqMan ( und supergrott (
Open Source Software used:
jQuery, RaphaëlJS, underscore.js, Python, Django, Pyramid, Twisted, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Node.js, nginx, uWSGI, Memcached, RabbitMQ, Debian GNU/Linux, LXC, fabric. Git, LibreOffice, vim, yEd, Zope/Zwiki, Firefox, Chromium.
Cooperation & Partners
Kickstarter Backers
Many thanks to our backers on Kickstarter!!
During June and July 2013, more than 750 people supported the development of the full version with a staggering 50,000 dollars! You're super awesome! So, many thanks to:
31ef951c9357165da3dcf1f0c44bc32410b0e3a7, @bundesamtfvs, @Der_Gregor, @foundingadvisor, @heck, @mich, @nephthysnile, @Singsalad, @soupdiver, @wolfhesse, a**afzav, A. Beranek, A.Peter, Abd El Hamid LASHIN, Adalbert Waffling, Adam H, Addie Wagenknecht, Agne Serpytyte, Alastor Lexington Grandsmith, Alena Pfoser, Alexander Fafara III, Alexander Singewald, Ali, Ali Ohm-Hacker, Ali Slusarzyk, Alvarosa, Anatol Bogun, andi ex-ottakringson, Andre, Andrea Mayer-Edoloeyi, Andreas (Pirat) Rohrmann, Andreas aka Aproonline, Andreas Grois, Andreas Kaltenbach, Andreas Schumann, André Haase, AndréG, Angela F, Angela Lehner, Anna Conda, Archimedes, Aries 0-0, Arkadiusz Damian Baranowski, Arne Busse, Arnonym, Astieres Benjamin, B.S., B4dT0bi, babsi firestar, Barbara Schaller, Barry Polley, Benjamin Eberle, Bernd, Bernd Schoeller, Bert Hartmann, Bertram Häupler, Björn "Idrinth" Büttner, blueeye[aut], Broken Rules, Bugmaster, C. Adams, cafzo, CarstenG, Catherine Burnett, cbra, Chad "thak777" Mercer, chl, Chris Pnok, Christian Bothe, Christian Mahr, Christian Rotzoll, Christine Rehm, Christine Zorn, Christoph Atteneder, Christoph Radon, Christoph Schwabe, Christopher, Christopher Frank, cl audia, Cody Heintz, cthulhu_eats_kittens, cyberkov, cyberoger, cyberwatschn, czav, d'Carmen vun Diddeleng, D.A. Dangerous, D.J. Trindle, Daniel "Niakotero" Seiler, Daniel AJ Sokolov, Daniel Gerwig, Daniel Rauber, daolaf, Dark Elf Productions, dasjo, David Frank, David Krejci, dcys, Denice Bourbon, Dennis Klemann, DerFloh, DerTroll, diekatzekotzt, Dietmar Gombotz, dinyar, div, Dome, Dominik G. Egger, Dominik Honnef, Dominik Leitner, Doris Grohn-Geissler, Drahreg, Edda & Andreas Strutzenberger-Reiter , Edmund Elite, Edmund W., Edward Snowden the 3rd, eikeriedel, Einar Schloch, EinsteinJr, Ejionar, eksimo knust & hans wurscht, el caballito, Elfriede Sixt, Elizabeth Mary Finley, Elmar Kofler, entchenaufreisen, Erika Bridgeforth, Erin Reynolds, eris, Eris Clem, Esteban, Evil Azrael, Fair.Bene, Fake It!, faro, farolito, faultier, Felix Winterhalter, Figale, Flex, flipsquid-net, Florian Essigkrug, Florian Köttner, Florian Paulitsch, Florian Schmidt, Forwarder78, franckdw, Frank Theyssandier-Springer, Fred Roth, fs, Gary S. Miliefsky, SnoopWall LLC, Georg Kessler, Georg Nebehay, Georg Pichler, Georges Felten, Gerhard Fobe, Gertraud Leimüller, Ghostbait, GK, Gordan Savicic, Gregory Trowbridge, Grenzfurthner, grob, Guenther Friesinger, Hannes Hauer, Hannes Wallnöfer, Harald Hansl, Harald Veigl, Harry, Harry Großschartner, Haufan, Hauke Altmann, Hauke Wedekind, Hebert Irwin, Hecke29, Herbert Danzinger, Hernandez Fam!, Herti Schuster, Holger Schrader, Hr. Hias, Hubertus H., Hugo315, Iga Mazak, infopointaudim, Ingmario, Ingo Boersch, Ingolf Erler,, ISibboI, Ivan Unechter, Izul Zulkarjambal, Jaime Parodi Bardón, Jakob B., Jakob Scholz, Jakub Stogr, JamesWalter, Jan Beseda, Jan Dwornizky, Jane Doe, Jankun, Jasmine Choinski, JC Edualino, Jean-Sébastien Bour - Sufflope, Jennifer Ash, Jens Holze, jentai, Jeroen von Bacon, Jimdoria, Jochen Berger, Jochen K., Jochen Koubek, Jochen Weisser, Joe Spradley, Johannes Link, Johannes Macher, John S. Fetzik, Jon Brown, Jonathan Riedler, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Joseph Mussil, Josh (Rowin) Rowi, Josh Snodgrass, Joël, jt, Judith Denkmayr, Julian Mautner,, justme19, Jörg Lauterbach, jörg piringer, Jürgen Ertelt, K. Hild, Kamil Śliwowski, kanu, kaol, Kap, Karin, Kartan Arkus, KASPERLE, Kate Raynes-Goldie, Kathi L., Katrin Schlör (die medientdecker), Kaweh Kazemi, Keira Daniels, Kel Van, Kenny Lang, Kerstin Heinemann, kethfish, Kitty Zwinger, Klaus-Uwe Mitterer, kle_pe, Klemen Slavič, Knut Erik, Kolossos, Konstantin, koppi, KoTxE, kreimlink, Kressenstein, Larry Cow, Laura James, Leander C. Seidl, lemense, Lena Maria Nitsch, liaml, Lida, Lisi, lobotomy42, Lucie Rohlikova and Ondrej Rohlik, lugume, Lukas Slunecko, Lynx lynx, madcashcow, Mamzelle mamzelle Juliette !, Manfred Scheiner (@scheinem), manu lux, Marc Motyka, Marcel Schwarz, Marcin Leśniowski, Marco Caminada, marcomariomay, Maria Schneider, Marion Poetz, Markus Merzin, Markus Tumeltshammer, Martin "Mordino" B, Martin Kutschker, Martin Schmidt, Martin Udovičić, Martin Zett, Marty Huber, Mary Jane Grohs, Master Game Engineering and Simulation Technology, Matt Braun, Matt J Baines, Matthew Phili, Matthias Reisinger, Matthias Steffen, Maxxam, mayr & derhunt, Mediale Pfade, Melanie Letschnig, Michael Aschauer, Michael Coleman, Michael Josten, Michael Kamleitner, Michael Küller, Michael Weis, Michela, microwavedboy, MicsInTrees, Miekvh, Mikael Nehlsen, Mike Follwerk, mmsouris, mnd_, mo.says, Molly Kaline, Momo, Monika, MoonLama, Moritz Nienhaus, Mr.MiSt, MTS-Jockey, Muchalem, Mykhailo, naemi, Nagezahn, Nancy Calvert-Warren, nanuk, Nathan Westmer, Neroburner, Neurotiker – Freiburg, NickD, Niki Hammond, Niko Alm, Nongorilla, not!Player 1, Not-Gott, Nyarlathothep, obyron, OE1HWS, Oli Lorenz, Olster, Orta, Ortwin Regel, osloprinz, P. Zwickl, pak, Pale Deadskull, Pamphleteer, Paolinho, Pascal, Patrick Kaak, Patrick Lainer, Patrick Ward, Paul Fuxjaeger, pbvie, Pedro Ângelo, Peter Steinberger, Peter Todd, Petr Toman, pferdi, Philip Hermarij, Philip-A. Theiß, Philipp Jonathan, Philipp Sehmisch, Philipp V. V., philipp_i, Pinkumizu, Poseidon Pontomedon, Privacy Maverick, quattro, Questgeber, qujOchÖ, R-Craven, Rabe, Rafael_am_Main, Ralf Huelsmann, Germany, ranjamillion, Regina Liane Leibetseder-Löw, Rene O., Richie Richly, Richie Staffler, Rob Davies, Rob Lake, Robert Vondaheim P., Rodrigo Orenday Abogado , RohbO, Roland Kofler, Ronald Bonn, Roy Burry, RSM, rtreality, Rudi Ortner, Rufus P. Rotwang, Rupert Meindl, ruvis, Ryan Corcoran, Ryan Thomas, Sal Humphreys, Samuel Batista, sandra ghitescu, Sascha Mahdavi, Sebastian Schawohl, sebitzer, seniorhelix, Severin Christl, Shawn Hooper, SHIFZ, Sigi Nitschewo, Silfa Zoidberg, simba-hiiipower, Simone Mathys-Parnreiter, simulacrum, Sir Francis Drake, Sir Not Appearing In This Game, soletti, Sondre Sonat, Spelaea, Starchy, stefan, Stefan Bad, Stefan Dellmuth, Stefan Derkits, Stefan Grabner, Stefan Hempe, Stefan Kuehne, Stefan Mackovik, stefan niederwieser, Stefan Tacha, Stefan Zwazl, Steffen Förster, Steffen Janz, steipete, Stephan Schölzel, Steve Lord, stif, Stormgrass, stx, SUBOTRON, SurfEasy VPN, Susi Palmensofa, Sébastien Lesouëf, TalkmasterGIP,, The Dude, The Robster, Theo Goodman, Thomas Grill, Thomas Happ, Thomas Schoenteich, Thomas Sebastian Jensen, Thomas Steinbrenner, Thomas Steup, Thor Sten, Thumay Karbalai Assad, Tim Toornvliet, Tobias Dahmen, Tobias Hufler, Tobias van Beek, tomdotio, TomGiar, Tonda Stogr, TonyJD, traHfo, Trent Larson, Tron1103, Trotzik, Tsumicat, Vallandil, Van Schwarz, vautee, Verena Riedl, Verena Spitz, Veronika, Vidarwindir, Ville Kaipainen, VML, Walid Al-Khalily, Webguard, wfroehlich, whatever, Wiegald, wirti, wozzek,,, Yonathan Benolol, Yussi, zeug, Zoe Aequid, ÖIAT